
Pro Silva Slovakia

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Ing. Michal Tomcík
Pro Silva Slovakia
T. G. Masaryka275/22
96001 - Zvolen


phone: +421-948-323722

international delegate

Ing. Michal Vanco

T. G. Masaryka 275/22
960 01 Zvolen


cellphone: +421-905-620198


  • Number of members: 175 members (out of which 17 are legal entities)
  • Exemplary forests: selection forests of spruce and silver fir (Lower Tatra Mts.), mosaic forest stands oak/beech (forest company of Technical University Zvolen), selection forests of silver fir and beech (Slovak Ore-mountains)
  • Demonstration sites: 248 forest demonstration sites with the total area of 63 500 ha
  • Martelloscopes: few existing (one Pro Silva site, and two INTEGRATE plots)
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Pro Silva Slovakia

Development of Pro Silva Slovakia

For several decades Pro Silva Slovakia existed as a movement of enthusiastic forestry individuals and an informal group under Slovak forestry society.

At the end of February 2022, Pro Silva Slovakia was transformed to as a standalone civil-society association by its registration in the state registry. The inaugural general assembly took place on 6 May 2022, where the new board was elected.

After 24 years Prof. Milan Saniga resigned from the presidency of Pro Silva Slovakia and Michal Tomcik was elected as the president of this newly established non?governmental organisation.

The association is now open to foresters, forest owners, forest companies, researchers, educators and students who are interested in promoting Pro Silva forestry principles and application of close-to-nature forest management practices.

The objectives of the association focus on transfer of knowledge and practical experience in close-to-nature forest management, maintenance and protection of natural forest ecosystems and forest biodiversity, organisation of seminars and excursions, consultancy, education and training, establishment of demonstration sites as well as participation in forest policy making.

History of practical promotion of Pro Silva principles in Slovakia

Beginning of Pro Silva Slovakia is linked with Pro Silva founding member Prof. Stefan Korpel.

The first practical demonstration of forest management according to the Pro Silva principles was organized by state forest company in Levice in 1996-1999 with active support by the two silviculture professors – Korpel and Saniga.

An important momentum for broader practical implementation of Pro Silva ideas was the participation of Slovak foresters (especially employees of state forest company) at the Pro Silva Congress in Bad Fallingbostel in Germany in June 2000. Since then, the state forest enterprise have become a practical demonstration hub for spreading the Pro Silva ideas at operational level in Slovakia.

Forestry Faculty at Technical University in Zvolen

Forestry Faculty at Technical University in Zvolen - Department of Silviculture led by professor Milan Saniga supported by associate professors Peter Jaloviar and Stanislav Kucbel have played a key role for knowledge transfer and supporting practical training.

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foto gallery from excursion of Austrian group to Slovakia in September 2018 visiting Banska Bystrica municipial forest, forest in Donovaly (Mistríki), nature forest reserve Badin, university forest of Techn.Univ. Zvolen, Banská Štiavnica (forest school) and ProSilva exemplary stand in Pocuvadlo - (C) Eckart Senitza

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