Maciej Pach, PhD., DSc.
Department of Forest Ecology and Silviculture
Faculty of Forestry
University of Agriculture in Krakow
al. 29-Listopada 46 31-425
Kraków - POLAND
Tel: +48 12 6625371; Fax: +48 12 4119715
e-mail: rlpach(at)
Dorota Dobrowolska
Forest Research Institute
Braci Lesnej 305-090 Raszyn,
e-mail: d.dobrowolska(at)
Daniel Lemke
Regional Manager of forest district Bytów
ul. Szarych Szeregów 7
77-100 Bytów
e-mail: daniel.lemke(at)
private: daniellemke70(at)
Janusz Szmyt
Departament of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Ul. Wojska Polskiego 71a
e-mail: janusz.szmyt(at)
The official name: PRO SILVA POLONIA
Present status: Participant of Commission for International Exchange – Polish Forestry Society (The biggest forestry related polish NGO)
Further status: Independent Commision of Polish Forestry Society (Under agreement with President of Polish Forestry Society – Mr. Janusz Dawidziuk)
Number of members: 5
Board of Pro Silva Polonia:
Plan for year 2022:
Fotos by (c) Janusz Szmyt, Daniel Lemke (3)
foto gallery (c) by Eckart Senitza from the integrate meeting in Torun (2019)