
Continuous Cover Forestry Group

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Jonathan Hulson
NWWT, Aberduna, Ffordd Maeshafn

Denbighshire, CH7 5LD

Cellphone: +44-750-1657913
E-mail: jhulson(at)

We are terrible sad that Bill passed away.


CCFG administrator

Polly Spencer-Vellacott
Administrator - Continuous Cover Forestry Group
cellphone: +44-1738-710152. 

e-mail:  administrator(at)


  • members: 221 individual members plus 29 corporate members
  • yearly events: 2-4 excursions in England, 1 in Sotland, 1 in Wales, marking exercises, management courses, participation in international meetings
  • exemplary forests: see report
  • reference stands: AFI cooperation started with AFI Atlantic (contact: Andy Poore; Phil Morgan
  • martelloscopes: none
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Continuous Cover Forestry Group

Great Britain

CCFG’s primary role is to promote the transformation of even-aged planted forests to structurally, visually and biologically diverse forests and woodlands. We also aim to enhance the production of high quality timber according to the principles of continuous cover management. We are a technical and professional organisation dedicated to developing skills and disseminating knowledge. In addition, we contribute to policy formulation and wider debates about sustainable forestry in the different countries of Great Britain.

CCFG is a member of Pro Silva, a federation of forestry organisations committed to advancing close to nature silvicultural systems.

Throughout the year CCFG runs a variety of field based meetings and workshops in different locations throughout Britain. We arrange a foreign study year and hold  a conference at regular intervals. Field meetings are open to both members and non-members, and students who are interested in managing woodlands sustainably are strongly encouraged to attend (at no charge).

Members receive email bulletins to keep them up to date with events and booking details.A newsletter containing scientific articles, visit reports and other material is published twice a year. Further details can be obtained by the administrator.

CCFG is a friendly, dynamic, member-driven group with an interest in silviculture and sustainable forestry. We welcome new members who share our values and who would like to apply new techniques in the management of forests. CCFG offers an exciting range of member benefits.

CCFG does not have reponsibility for any demonstration forests. However a comprehensive summary on stands relevant to CCF in Britain can be accessed via the 2013 report by Dr. Scott Wilson on following website (

Webinars of CCFG

CCFG organises a series of webinars on a range of CCF topics.  The archive of these is available on YouTube.

Go to Webinar Archiv download Scott Wilsons report go to website CCFG Great Britain read Bill Masons reply to Kevin O'Hara's article in the newsletter of the Institute of Chartered Foresters

foto gallery from Pro Silva Annual Meeting Scotland (2016) - (C) Eckart Senitza

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