Stephan Hatt - Forstingenieur ETH/SIA
Geibelstrasse 20
8037 - Zurich Switzerland
Cellphone: +41-79-6992401
E-mail: treasurer(at)
He is a private forest consultant in Zurich, Switzerland, and works mainly in the fields of forest planning, silviculture and business management. He specialises in operational and silvicultural planning in continuous cover forestry, an area in which he has immersed in the last years.
He is secretary of Pro Silva Switzerland since 2020 and manages the association treasury. He was involved in the development of the “Brief guide to Continuous Cover Forestry”.
He first met with the idea of continuous cover forestry in the early 2000s in Switzerland and became member of Pro Silva Switzerland in 2011. What impressed him about Pro Silva right from the start, and what he still find one of the association's great strengths today, is its proximity to the “real forest world”.
Compared to the duration of a professional life in the forest (or a mandate as a board member of Pro Silva), the duration of a tree's life or even a forest is extremely long. He therefore considers it one of the most important things to preserve and pass on the silvicultural experience and expertise of continuous cover forest experts. Pro Silva has a special position and task here: we know the continuous cover forests from practical experience and know what needs to be taught and communicated and where research should be carried out. He is very happy to help realise this.