Ing. Michal Vanco
T. G. Masaryka 275/22
960 01 Zvolen
e-mail: secretary(at)
cellphone: +421-905-620198
Michal Vanco graduated at Forestry faculty – Technical University in Zvolen. He currently works as a policy advisor at National Forest Centre in Slovakia, focusing on new EU policies related to forests (LULUCF, carbon removals, nature restoration, forest monitoring).
In past, Michal worked at secretariat of intergovernmental policy platform on forests - Forest Europe (Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forests in Europe) and led the Forest Europe secretariat in 2019-2020 covering topics such as adaptation of forests to climate change, employment in the forests sector, and international reporting on forests.
Michal also gained experience in implementation of international projects in the field of continuing education of foresters, occupational health and safety.
Michal has been a board member of Pro Silva Slovakia since 2022.