
News from Hungary

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Professional publications prepared to help continuous cover forest management

At the beginning of June, a Guide describing the methodology for the introduction of continuous cover forestry and the preparation of their management plan was published on the website of the Forestry Department of the National Land Centre. The contents of the Guide are well supplemented and supported by the 2019 publication of the Pro Silva Switzerland (Hatt., S.: “Checkkarten Dauerwald”). The Hungarian version of which is published almost simultaneously with the French and English editions based on the original German text.

The Hungarian partner organization, Pro Silva Hungaria, publishes a 35-page, colourful, well-illustrated, A6-sized booklet, suitable for field use, in Hungarian, entitled “Characteristics of the continuous cover forest”. The booklet will soon be available at the Pro Silva Hungaria Association and by mail order on the website of the Hungarian Forestry Association. The brochure, which is also suitable for field use and contains calculation examples, provides the reader with knowledge based on the proven results of more than 100 years of Swiss continuous cover forest management practice.

With the Guide and the new booklet, significant professional support will be provided to forest managers, forest owners, forest engineers and forest technicians who want to manage successfully in this sylvicultural regime.

Ministerial decree governing the continuous cover forestry has been published in Hungary

Decree designating the framework for continuous cover forestry ("Dauerwaldwirtschaft") sylvicultural regime has been issued by the ministry in recent days.

As these provisions can be divided into two groups - professional and procedural rules, they appeared as amendments to two previous regulations.

In its press release, the Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that in the fight against climate change, in addition to afforestation, the preservation and quality maintenance of existing forest areas is a key aspect. One of the most important tools for this is the expansion of continuous cover forest management.

This was necessary because the regulatory framework for this sylvicutural regime had not been established in Hungary before.

Pro Silva Hungaria is going to translate the publication of “Checkkarten Dauerwald”, from Pro Silva Switzerland, and also the Booklet "Pro Silva Silviculture" from Pro Silva Wallonia in Hungarian Language !

(Peter Csépányi, 9.4.2020)



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