
"Who will determine the forest of the future ?"

Discussion about interest of industry, nature conservation, administration, hunters lobby, forest organizations, (in)dependent forest owners.


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Until 12:00 CET we received 218 registrations. Please check Your spam in case you did not receive the link. For those who registered and cannot participate because of time zone (NZL, AUS) we will send out the link of the recording after the meeting.

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the speakers

Marco Onida

Marco Onida is since May 2019 team leader for forests in the Land Management and Use Unit of DG Environment, European Commission.

He has been dealing with the forest dimension of the European Green Deal, including the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 adopted in May 2020 and the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030 adopted in July 2021.

He joined the EU Institutions in 1994 and has since then been working in DG Environment and DG Regional Policy. He has been Secretary General of the Alpine Convention from 2007 to 2013

Andreas Nikolaus Kleinschmit von Lengefeld

Dr. Kleinschmit von Lengefeld founded the company Homo Silvestris Europae on 10.05.2021 in Paris, France. His career in the European and international forest-based sector and the wider circular Bioeconomy spans for more than 25 years. He co-coordinated lately the WoodCircus project ( until the end of 2021. From March 2005 until March 2011, he was involved in the setting-up and operating of the European Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform – FTP, at which he held the position of Director. Both engagements were in Brussels, Belgium.

He holds a diploma in forestry sciences from Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich - LMU and holds a PhD from Technical University of Munich – TUM, both located in Bavaria, Germany.

Dr. Kleinschmit von Lengefeld was member of various expert and advisory groups on European and French national level (e.g., in the framework of EFI, InnovaWood, ECOFOR Scientific Council; member of the ESB Scientific Council, Holzunternehmen Waldeck, …). In 2018 he has been elected as associate member of the Section 2 (Forestry-Wood) at the French Academy of Agriculture.

Michael Duhr

Michael Duhr (58), private forest owner in Havelland-area, Brandenburg, Germany (60 km west of Berlin).  Sandy soils, pure stands, very little rain, mostly man-made pine forests and lots of wildlife characterize the woodlands of the region.

Michael Duhr has been managing his forests for 25 years following close-to-nature forest principles, free of clearfell and using natural regeneration. It is his basic approach to regard a forest as a durable, diverse and dynamic ecosystem.

His management goal is an ecologically beneficial forest, which is covered by rich, mixed-species stock which varies in age and is vertically structured, i.e. a forest which benefits from processes of self-regulation that are used and maintained and in which production factors are constantly improved. The even-aged pine stands are currently changing into mixed forests with 4-8 local tree species per stand.

Michael Duhr is member of ANW, the German branch of Pro Silva, and is well informed about all political issues that are developed and discussed in Germany.

Michal Vanco

Michal Vanco is a policy advisor at Forest Research Institute / National Forest Centre in Slovakia, and provides his expertise to state administration in formulating national positions to international forest-related policies and processes.

Until 2020 he worked for Forest Europe for five years and in 2019-2020 led the secretariat of this intergovernmental policy platform.

Before joining Forest Europe, he worked in continuing forestry education and training where he gained experiences in transfer of knowledge among foresters and from science to forest practice.

He has participated in Pro Silva branch in Slovakia and is delegate of Pro Silva Slovakia. He is also involved in activities of Integrate network.

Fotos (C) - top, M.O., A.Kvl. Eckart Senitza , M.D. Michael Duhr, M.V. Michal Vanco

Pro Silva Online Webinar

Thursday 30th March 2023 - 16:00-17:30 CET

(15:00-16:30 WET / 17:00 - 18:30 EET)

Great Success 2022

With 158 registrations from 29 European countries and participation of about 110 individuals the first online webinar was a great success. We had 2/3 Pro Silva members and 1/3 guests from international organisations (European Forest Institute, European comission, Forest Europe, WSL, div. Universities).


This year we want to go beyond the silvicultural perspective and discuss the framework conditions under the title "Who will determine the forest of the future ?” - How can the future design of forest management be done under the interest and politics of industry, nature conservation, administration, hunter lobby’s, forestry organizations, etc. under the aspect of climate change and the biodiversity debate. Where are the limits of the ownership rights application? -

Experts representing viewpoint of industry, nature conservation, forest ownership and EU policy provide their perspective on current threats and opportunities facing European forest resources.

Eckart Senitza, 10th March 2023


The discussion will reflect different perspectives of influences on forest management under climate change and growing demand for biodiversity protection and bioeconomy. It should also give an outlook on the strategic demands for forest owner/managers facing future challenges.

Moderator:  Anna Browne (IRL) – Meeting open 20 min before 16:00 (CET). The meeting will be held in English.

Introduction:  Eckart Senitza (President Pro Silva) - welcome, introduction

Statements: 4 short introduction statements

  • Marco Onida – leader for forests in the Land Management and Use Unit of DG Environment EC
  • Andreas Nikolaus Kleinschmit von Lengefeld – forest consulter and strategic advisor between timber industries and circular bioeconomy
  • Michael Duhr – private forest owner and manager in Brandenburg (Germany) and member of ANW
  • Michal Vanco – policy advisor from Slovakia, he worked for Forest Europe for five years.

Questions:    45 min for questions, discussion

Closing remarks: remark for the future from each speaker

Duration: 1:30

Organizing Team: Jonathan Hulson, Padraig O’Tuama, Eckart Senitza

Fotos (C) Matjas Cater 2018

Integrated forest management for resilience and sustainability across 25 countries