
Antoine Cadoret

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Contact Information

Antoine Cadoret

10 ruer Girardet
54000 - Nancy

mobile: +33-3-17996961



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Antoine Cadoret (France) - extended board

Antoine Cadoret is employed by Pro Silva France as director since spring 2023. He is not a forester but he has rich experience in project management. So he will be a big support for Pro Silva France and the team of Pro Silva either.

Pro Silva France will make a huge leap forward to more professionalism with high goals:

  • Animate the regional network of the association in France
  • Develop a programme of trainers in the regions (speakers) in relation to the General Delegate
  • Animating the network of members and recruiting new ones
  • Communicate regularly with the national branches (Belgium, Germany, Austria, etc.)
  • To perpetuate the activity and the financing of the association: respond to calls for tender, solicit sponsors, foundations, solicit regional funding, sustain ANYAMA's funding, contact new clients for training: schools etc.
  • Represent the association to institutions (Ministry of Ecological Transition...)
  • Represent the association to NGOs (WWF, FNE, Canopée...)
  • Support the treasurer in financial management/accounting (management of membership fees etc.)
  • Relaunch communication with the office (once a month by video for example)
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