
“From Concepts to Implementation” - How can Pro Silva contribute to a deeper understanding and better implementation of CTNF ?


According to Pro Silva’s constitution its aim amongst other is to “promote a global concept of forest ecosystems and promote legislation that supports these aims and which applies to both public and private organisations” (§ 1, 4) with a focus on Europe. After 30 years of developing impressive exemplary forests and promoting its principles, Pro Silva is now gaining increasing interest from forest politics and especially from the European Union. As some discussions show, that the definition of key terms is one issue that divides opinions and sometime causes confusion, there is a need of closer alignment of Pro Silva’s member organisations on terminology and better coordination for implementation of Close-to-Nature-Forestry or Continuous Cover Forestry.  Since forest types all over Europe cover a broad range of tree species, ecological conditions as well as economic and social demands that the forests should fulfil, a broad flexible approach must be found.  This approach is one that should maintain independence in silvicultural freedom of application, is adaptable to changing environment, contributes to improved resilience and results in lowest amount of additional bureaucracy without disregarding its principles.

With this background Pro Silva invited you to its first webinar inviting five noted speakers from different background, each of whom are involved in advising on policy with regard to definitions and terminology.

In putting forward the five speakers, who are also very much actively involved in Pro Silva member organisations, Pro Silva as the umbrella organisation demonstrates its willingness and desire for substantial contributions in progressing discussion on these important topics. At the same time this online discussion should reflect the wide range of opinions and approaches, which is essential for an open and varied development of views.

We all thank you for your participation and your valuable contributions during the discussion!

Eckart Senitza, 18th February 2022

Video Recording available now

Here you can watch and listen to the two hours recording of our first webinar:

Pro Silva Online Webinar

Thursday 17th February 2022 - 15:00-16:30 CET (14:00-15:30 WET / 16:00 - 17:30 EET)

Clarify terms and definitions used in EU/EC Forest Strategy – contribution of Pro Silva members to closer alignment on terminology

Moderator:  Anna Browne (IRL) – Meeting open 20 min before 15:00 (CET). Them meeting will be held in English. - technical introduction, timeframe, questions, recording

Introduction:  Eckart Senitza (President Pro Silva) - welcome, introduction -

Statements: 5 short introduction statements

  • Joao Carvalho – CTNF for the Mediterranean Zone – approach and main topics
  • Jurij Diaci – CTNF in Central Europe – how can the definition be open and adaptable
  • Sauli Valkonen – small scale harvesting in northern Europe – chances and obstacles
  • Tomáš Vrška – implementation strategy of CTNF after large scale calamities
  • Bill Mason – present discussion about terms in GB

Questions:    45 min for questions, discussion

Closing remarks: remark for the future from each speaker

Duration: 1:30

Organizing Team: Jonathan Hulson, Padraig O’Tuama, Eckart Senitza

Great Success

With 158 registrations from 29 European countries and participation of about 110 individuals the first online webinar was a great success. We had 2/3 Pro Silva members and 1/3 guests from international organisations (European Forest Institute, European comission, Forest Europe, WSL, div. Universities).

After the short presentations by Joao Carvalho (POR), Jurij Diaci (SLO), Sauli Valkonen (FIN) and Tomáš Vrška (CZR) we had a 1 1/2 hours intense discussion perfectly moderated by Anna Browne (IRL).

Integrated forest management for resilience and sustainability across 25 countries